Release Notes – June 2023 Round-Up

Here is the round-up:

  • Tradevine: Fixed issue with auto-combining Sales Order process that didn’t cancel the old merged Sales Order
  • Tradevine: Fixed auth issue with TradeMe
  • Tradevine: Fixed Sales Orders issue related to showing the wrong user account number as the Created By user
  • Tradevine: Tradevine Webhooks operational improvements
  • Tradevine: Improve security of our marketing blog and support websites
  • Tradevine: ‘Toll shipping’ has been renamed to ‘Team Global Express’ with a new tracking URL
  • TradeMe: We made many improvements to the shipping experience for buyers

Release Notes – May Round Up

The team has been working on some wider Trade Me initiatives to improve the shipping experience for buyers on the Trade Me website. This uses the detailed shipping information you provide in Tradevine and helps drive purchases.

Here is May’s roundup:

  • Tradevine users with a Xero Integration now can see the count of Sales Orders (Pending + Awaiting Shipment) with no invoice in the Reporting Dashboard. Also, in the Sales Orders page, there is a new column that shows if the Sales Order has an invoice.
  • Background processing of listings is improved due to the removal of unneeded background systems.

Release Notes – April 2023 Round-Up

Firstly apologies for the radio silence, rest assured we have indeed continued to work hard on the Tradevine platform since our last blog post, improving the stability of the platform, adding features, and fixing bugs.

We have a renewed commitment to posting these release notes consistently again, so keep an eye out for more in the future!

Here is April’s roundup:

  • NGF Emails: We now send attachments inside the email body which fixes an issue where if the attachment was large enough it would fail to send.
  • Photos: Fixed an issue that prevented some photos from being edited.
  • TradeMe Integration: We now handle transient Trade Me issues better, requiring less manual intervention for existing listing rules.
  • MyProducts: Fixed an issue where search wasn’t returning items as expected.
  • Tradevine: Fixed an issue with searching for products with outdated shipping options.
  • Tradevine: Added groupsku field to the search
  • Tradevine API: Added webhooks to a number of key events for API Integrations.
  • Tradevine: Fixed an issue where listings would be incorrectly withdrawn when an account has no credit.
  • Tradevine: Fixed connecting TradeMe accounts when the username changed.
  • Tradevine: Fixed an issue where purchases may not have been combined correctly.
  • Tradevine/MyProducts: Added the creation of shipping templates using book a courier.
  • Tradevine/MyProducts: Fixed duplicate error messages being shown on list views.
  • Tradevine/MyProducts: Fix for incorrect currencies symbols showing occasionally
  • Tradevine/MyProducts: Change courier name from ‘Fastway’ to ‘Aramex’
  • Tradevine: Add new permission for ‘Mark as paid’ on Sales orders
  • Tradevine: Improve error messages when importing products.
  • Tradevine: Improve support page by adding a help video.
  • Tradevine: Improve security and platform stability by introducing Google ReCaptcha.

Shopify Policy Change

Shopify integration support in Tradevine ends on 30 June 2023. If you want to keep using Shopify with Tradevine, you will need to create your own Shopify custom app. Shopify changed their app store policies and the types of applications they support – affecting Tradevine and third-party systems. This change means we can’t continue to support this integration.

If you want to keep using Tradevine with Shopify, you will need to create your own custom application by 30 June 2023.

For Tradevine Sellers who are currently using this feature please check your email for more information. We also have an FAQ you can read.

Release Notes – July 2021 Round-Up

It’s been a while since our last updated posted here, so below is a round-up of the features and fixes we’ve put out since December 2020:

  • Shopify: Added config for Shopify Sales Order notes to be Public and/or Private.
  • Tradevine API: Added new Get, Add/Update and Delete ShippingTemplates endpoints.
  • Tradevine API: Added new Delete TradeMeListingRule endpoint.
  • Sales Orders: Resolved issue with Combined Sales Order candidates.
  • Shipping: Added Sendle to list of available Couriers.
  • Shipping: Corrected DHL’s tracking reference URL.
  • Misc: Corrected issue with large Organization logos.
  • MyProducts: Fixed an issue with Feature Combo on listings created in MyProducts.
  • DVDs: Removed the DVD Catalog and migrated existing DVD’s to regular TradeMeListingRules.
  • Xero: Updated Xero OAuth process to V2.
  • Misc: Bug fixes.

Release Notes – December 9th 2020

Release Date:  Wednesday 9th December 2020  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 10 mins

  1. Fastway courier has been renamed to Aramex. We have also added StraitNZ as a courier/freight option and also fixed the tracking url for Summerland freight.
  2. Fixed a bug where the grid’s bulk-actions in My Products would not work if the keyword search field had certain punctuation in it.
  3. Added the IsClearance field to the New Goods Feed spec.

Release Notes – Tues 24 Nov 2020

Release Date:  Tuesday 24 November 2020  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 10 mins

  • We’ve added the ability to search by customer phone number in the global search field in Tradevine.
  • We’re now returning Trade Me success-fees and payment-fees on the sales order API endpoint of the Tradevine API.
  • When rolling a sales-order back to Pending from Awaiting-Shipment, we now preserve the Payment Received flag if it was set. If the grand-total changes on the order when in Pending (if modifications are made) then the flag will be unset again.
  • We no longer withdraw and relist a listing if edits are made on a multi-quantity-listing that has already had sales, if the listing has had promotion products applied (e.g. gallery, feature, feature combo etc.). We will wait until the next relist for the edits to be applied so that customers are not charged twice for a promotion.

Release Notes – 19th June 2018

Release Date:  Tuesday 19 June 2018  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

Changes in this release (Tradevine)

Trade Me – OPEN Listing Count

If you use multi-variant-listings, it was difficult to know how many open listings you had that counted towards your listing cap or plan limit (as a whole MVL group only counts as 1 “listing”). We’ve made this easier by showing you on the dashboard and plan page how many individual Trade Me listings you have as well as how many are counting towards your cap:

The active listing count is the number of listings on Trade Me, where each variant is counted individually.

The number of listings that contribute towards your cap (Trade Me listing cap or Tradevine plan cap) is the number of active listings, but all listings in the same listing group are counted as a single listing. The more multi-variant listings you make, the greater the difference between this number and the active listing count.


We have added the following fields:
Pack List: ExternalClientData – a 500 character string field for API consumers to store any data they wish relevant to client applications e.g. JSON fragment.
Sales Order: ExternalClientData – (as above)


Changes in this release (My Products)


We had an intermittent issue which required some users to have to click Save twice in order to save their product. We’ve introduced a fix which should make this less likely to happen.

Trade Me – PING

In My Products, we have replaced the Pay Now branding with Ping which is our new payments platform.

Tradevine and Heartbleed

In the last week a security flaw known as Heartbleed has become news across the Internet.

The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS provides communication security and privacy over the Internet for applications such as web, email, instant messaging (IM) and some virtual private networks (VPNs).

The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop on communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users. []

Although the security flaw effected a large portion of internet services (estimated at two-thirds of all websites), Tradevine does not use OpenSSL and was therefor not affected.

However, a number of the services Tradevine partners with were potentially at risk.

Each partner has since patched the security flaw, and Tradevine have taken steps (such as updating passwords) to insure Tradevine, and our customers data are completely secure.

For more information on the Heartbleed security flaw, visit the website.