Release Notes – April/May 2024 Round-Up

Here is the round-up for April and May:

  • Various elements of security hardening as a result of security audit.
  • Fixed: Customer surname not showing in sales orders.
  • Fixed: Tradevine pulling customer name incorrectly from Trade Me
  • Fixed: Customer name fixes in Export Templates (NGF)
  • Improvements to Tradevine’s scheduled maintenance process.

Note: other improvements may have also been made during this time by our team, which may span outside of Tradevine/MyProducts/NGF, or relate to internal processes, build-deploy pipelines, security, or non-production systems, but we don’t show them in detail here. We only list what directly affects Tradevine/MyProducts/NGF customers.

Release Notes – Feb/March 2024 Round-Up

Here is the round-up for February and March:

  • Tradevine: Fixed a webhook locking issue.
  • Tradevine: Addressed some Shopify rate limiting issues.
  • Tradevine: Addressed the “unsupported Shopify API calls” issue.
  • Tradevine: Fixed an issue where listings not being picked up for listing due to incorrect listing cap calculation.
  • Tradevine: Various security improvements for PCI compliance.
  • Tradevine: Fix cookie handling bug on Packlists

Note: other improvements may have also been made during this time, which may span outside of Tradevine/MyProducts/NGF, or relate to internal processes, build-deploy pipelines, security, or non-production systems, but we don’t show them in detail here. We only list what directly affects Tradevine/MyProducts/NGF customers.

Release Notes – December/January Round-Up

Here is the round-up for December and January:

  • Tradevine: Reduced the number of web requests and improving retries when talking to Xero/Trade Me/Shopify, improving the speed data is processed.
  • Tradevine: Fix the listing cap calculation on live listings when multiple Trade Me accounts are connected.
  • Tradevine: Extra validation in the login process to improve security.
  • Tradevine: Improve how Sales Orders imported from Trade Me/Shopify handle customers, fixing an issue with creating duplicated customers.
  • Tradevine: Optimized the speed of processing events, such as sales.
  • Tradevine: In rare cases the Sales order page would hang, not allowing saving, this is now fixed.
  • MyProducts: In some cases search did not work on My Products, resulting in a hanging page and no results. This is now fixed.

Release Notes – November 2023 Round-Up

Here is the round-up for November:

  • Tradevine/My Products/New Goods Feed: Extra validation to help prevent duplicate photos from being added to a product.
  • Tradevine API: Shopify product API returns correct value for SellPriceIncTax.
  • Trade Me: Store profile logo and lozenge show correctly on car parts listings.
  • Trade Me: Store promo banners navigate to refine searches correctly.
  • Tradevine: Tracking links for OnSend.
  • Tradevine: Improvements to the Sponsored Listings Beta offering.
  • Tradevine: Miscellaneous security improvements identified from recent PCI Audit.
  • Tradevine: Miscellaneous background processing performance improvements.

Release Notes – October 2023 Round-Up

Most of our time this month has been spent rolling out and iterating on a new Trade Me promotional product experiment, built inside Tradevine to a small group of select sellers.

Here is the round-up:

  • Tradevine: Increase performance of background tasks.
  • Tradevine: Support changes to how TradeMe photos are stored.

Release Notes – August 2023 Round-Up

Here is the round-up for August:

  • Tradevine: Allow users to re-authenticate when there are connection problems with Xero.
  • TradeMe: No longer display ‘private seller’ tag for In-Trade listings in Business, Farming & Industrial categories.
  • Tradevine: Improve the image upload process efficiency which speeds up the relisting process.

Release Notes – July 2023 Round-Up

Here is the round-up for July:

  • Tradevine: Fixed a shipping template bug to set the Carrier value correctly on Trade Me.
  • Tradevine: Fixed a Trade Me authentication bug.
  • Tradevine: Increased automated test coverage to help ensure platform stability.
  • Tradevine: Fixed various Xero-related bugs by making our integration with Xero much more efficient.
  • Tradevine: Changed ‘Toll’ shipping to ‘Team Global Express’.
  • New Goods Feed: Fixed a Product edit bug that was causing unnecessary withdrawals to Trade Me listings.
  • Tradevine: Now able to update the Customer Reference and Notes fields on Xero invoices after payments have been received.
  • Trade Me: Changes to the purchase flow on Trade Me to improve the buying experience for listings that are using shipping templates.
  • Trade Me: Fix archived GST purchase invoices not showing GST correctly.
  • Tradevine: Changes to not allow credit card payments to be selected on Motors listings as this is not a supported payment method for this category in Trade Me.
  • Trade Me: Fix for Premium Exposure Plans not showing correctly in GST invoices.

Please also have a look at the great work we have completed earlier this year here.

Release Notes – June 2023 Round-Up

Here is the round-up:

  • Tradevine: Fixed issue with auto-combining Sales Order process that didn’t cancel the old merged Sales Order
  • Tradevine: Fixed auth issue with TradeMe
  • Tradevine: Fixed Sales Orders issue related to showing the wrong user account number as the Created By user
  • Tradevine: Tradevine Webhooks operational improvements
  • Tradevine: Improve security of our marketing blog and support websites
  • Tradevine: ‘Toll shipping’ has been renamed to ‘Team Global Express’ with a new tracking URL
  • TradeMe: We made many improvements to the shipping experience for buyers

Release Notes – May Round Up

The team has been working on some wider Trade Me initiatives to improve the shipping experience for buyers on the Trade Me website. This uses the detailed shipping information you provide in Tradevine and helps drive purchases.

Here is May’s roundup:

  • Tradevine users with a Xero Integration now can see the count of Sales Orders (Pending + Awaiting Shipment) with no invoice in the Reporting Dashboard. Also, in the Sales Orders page, there is a new column that shows if the Sales Order has an invoice.
  • Background processing of listings is improved due to the removal of unneeded background systems.