Release Notes – Tues 24 Nov 2020

Release Date:  Tuesday 24 November 2020  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 10 mins

  • We’ve added the ability to search by customer phone number in the global search field in Tradevine.
  • We’re now returning Trade Me success-fees and payment-fees on the sales order API endpoint of the Tradevine API.
  • When rolling a sales-order back to Pending from Awaiting-Shipment, we now preserve the Payment Received flag if it was set. If the grand-total changes on the order when in Pending (if modifications are made) then the flag will be unset again.
  • We no longer withdraw and relist a listing if edits are made on a multi-quantity-listing that has already had sales, if the listing has had promotion products applied (e.g. gallery, feature, feature combo etc.). We will wait until the next relist for the edits to be applied so that customers are not charged twice for a promotion.