Release Date: Wednesday 30 March 2016 5:00am : downtime approx 10mins
New features in this release

Faster interaction
The following Trade Me interactions will now be visible inside Tradevine within a few seconds:
- sold and unsold listings
- payments received
- buyer addresses received for sold listings
- questions received
- buyer feedback
- accepted and declined FPOs
- new listings when stock is available
- updating MQL listings with lower quantities
This includes detecting interactions that were made directly within Trade Me and outside of Tradevine like withdrawn listings, answered questions and FPOs made.
Previously these interactions could take up to 5 minutes to process.
Pay Now variations
We have added a new Pay Now received section to the bottom of the sales order to show you the outstanding balance. Generally this will be zero but this feature is useful for combined orders.
Sales order notes
A new read only My Trade Me Notes section has been added to the Notes section on your sales order for any notes you have made against the sale on the Trade Me side.
We have added more detail to the private notes on your sales order when orders are combined.
The public notes have also been improved so that the message from the buyer is also referenced with more information.

Tradevine is the master
We have added a reminder banner to the default settings screen to re-enforce the understanding that changes should be made through Tradevine whenever this is possible, otherwise you risk being out of sync with Shopify itself.
Key Bug Fixes
- A Shopify error was sometimes encountered when a manual order did not have an email address or customer name.
- When importing photos for variant type products and pushing the products to Shopify, the first product would sometimes encounter an error.

Auto reorder purchase orders
When auto generating purchase orders for products below your minimum stock thresholds, the products will now be ordered on the purchase order by the product code.
New e-Retail Distribution courier
E-Retail Distribution has been added as a courier option.
Shipments report
The warehouse code has been added to the Shipments report.
Importing product changes
If you import or re-import your products then you may be interested in the following changes.
- External Product ID (Shopify)
- External Variant ID (Shopify)