Release Notes – 9 May 2018

Release Date:  Wednesday 9 May 2018  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

New features in this release

Trade Me – multi-variant products

We have made some improvements to your MVL products. You can now:

  • Rename your Options and values.
  • Drag and drop your Option values to re-order them.
  • Drag and drop your photos to re-order them.

Trade Me – Book-a-Courier

Book-a-Courier has been added as a shipping option to your product listing rules. This will allow you to get up-to-date courier rates for a door-to-door courier service. The rates are populated on your listing when it gets created.


We have added the following fields:
Pack List Items: Name, Barcode
Pack List: WarehouseCode
Sales Order: WarehouseCode, Labels

Importing product changes

If you import your products then you may be interested in the following Book-a-Courier changes.


  • Trade Me Courier Is Box
  • Trade Me Courier Bag Size
  • Trade Me Courier Selected Courier
  • Trade Me Courier Service Level
  • Trade Me Courier No Restricted Items


Release Notes – 7 Feb 2018

Release Date:  Wednesday 7 Feb 2018  4:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

New features in this release

Trade Me – multi-variant products

We have increased the Variants Group Code for MVL products from 20 characters to 80.

Price promotions and clearance settings are now correctly applied to MVL products.

Seller comments on Trade Me listings were incorrectly displaying more than once.

Trade Me – listing rule calculator

The profit calculator on the product listing rule was incorrectly hidden when the shipping template contained just a solitary entry.


Sometimes when importing products the Shopify variant IDs were incorrectly being cleared out.

Occasionally product photos were not making it into Shopify.


ISO country code has been added to the address output.

Importing product changes

There are no changes to importing in this release.

Key Bug Fixes

  1. Product images uploaded from Mobile devices were unexpectedly rotated.


Release Notes – 16 Aug 2017

Release Date:  Wednesday 16 August 2017  4:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

New features in this release

Trade Me – maximum 1 listing per product rule

You can now only make a maximum of one listing for each listing rule.

Trade Me – multi-variant products

We have made more improvements for editing and maintaining multi-variant products.

Importing product changes

There are no changes to importing in this release.

Key Bug Fixes

  1. Occasionally sales orders were being voided in Xero when auto-combining some sales orders. We have rectified the timing issue.


Release Notes – 1 Aug 2017

Release Date:  Tuesday 1 August 2017  4:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

New features in this release

Trade Me – customised attributes

We have added customised attributes to the multi-variant product rules.

Trade Me – Afterpay

We have done some preparatory work for the arrival of Afterpay. This will be available soon.

Importing product changes

If you import then you may be interested in the following changes.


  • payment_afterpay (Trade Me)


Release Notes – 3 July 2017

Release Date:  Monday 3 July 2017  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 20 mins

New features in this release

Trade Me – Multi-variant listings

Listings now support Multi-variants which allows the buyer to select a specific product from a group of options.

This is currently a Beta offering, so if you are interested in joining the trial then please contact us.

Trade Me – YouTube videos

Top Seller’s can now add a YouTube video to your Trade Me listings.

Trade Me – Safe Trader payment option removed

Trade Me are removing of Safe Trader as a payment option.

New courier – Parcel Express

Parcel Express has been added as a courier option.

Importing product changes

If you import then you may be interested in the following changes.


  • YouTube Video Key (Trade Me)


  • Trade Me Payment Via Safe Trader

Release Notes – 12 June 2017

Release Date:  Monday 12 June 2017  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 20 mins

New features in this release

Warehouse roles

We have added the ability to assign a warehouse only role to your users. Warehouse only users will only see the Shipments and Fast Shipping screens when they log in.

Importing Product changes

There are no changes to importing for this release.


Release Notes – 9 May 2017

Release Date:  Wednesday 10 May 2017  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

New features in this release

Trade Me – floating pricing

Due to the the complexities around floating pricing, we have removed the floating pricing option.

Importing Product changes

If you import then you may be interested in the following changes.


  • Trade Me Use Floating Pricing
  • Trade Me Floating Price Base Field
  • Trade Me Start Price Base Plus Percent
  • Trade Me Reserve Price Base Plus Percent
  • Trade Me Buy Now Price Base Plus Percent

Key Bug Fixes

  1. When the status was updated in Trade Me itself on a Sold Items listing to Shipped, this was incorrectly updating the sales order to completed in Tradevine.


Release Notes – 5 April 2017

Release Date:  Wednesday 5 Apr 2017  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 15 mins

New features in this release

Product codes

We have increased the length of the product codes from 20 characters to now handle up to 50 characters.

New couriers

We have added the following couriers:

  • TIL Freight
  • Titus Transport

Importing product changes

The only inconsequential change to importing is that the product code field can now handle up to 50 characters in length. This was 20.


Release Notes – 15 March 2017

Release Date:  Wednesday 15 Mar 2017  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 30 mins

New features in this release

Product ID codes

We have added some new input fields to help identify your product. As well as Barcode/GTIN you can also add Brand and Manufacturer’s Code to the product.

Importing product changes

If you import or re-import your products then you may be interested in the following changes.


  • Brand – (Product)
  • Manufacturer Code – (Product)

Key Bug Fixes

  1. Rural and invalid addresses from Trade Me buyers were not always checked if the address was provided at a later date.


Release Notes – 24 Aug 2016

Release Date:  Wednesday 24 Aug 2016  5:00 a.m. : downtime approx 10 mins

New features in this release

Scheduled reports

You can now get your sales and shipment reports sent to you as regular scheduled reports. These can be emailed or FTP’d.

DVD category searching

We have improved the searching of the DVD catalogue.

Importing product changes

There are no changes to importing in this release.

Key Bug Fixes

  1. It was not possible to confirm a sales return for a sales order which was paid for with a credit card.