Release Notes – December/January Round-Up

Here is the round-up for December and January:

  • Tradevine: Reduced the number of web requests and improving retries when talking to Xero/Trade Me/Shopify, improving the speed data is processed.
  • Tradevine: Fix the listing cap calculation on live listings when multiple Trade Me accounts are connected.
  • Tradevine: Extra validation in the login process to improve security.
  • Tradevine: Improve how Sales Orders imported from Trade Me/Shopify handle customers, fixing an issue with creating duplicated customers.
  • Tradevine: Optimized the speed of processing events, such as sales.
  • Tradevine: In rare cases the Sales order page would hang, not allowing saving, this is now fixed.
  • MyProducts: In some cases search did not work on My Products, resulting in a hanging page and no results. This is now fixed.