Release Date: Monday 16 May 2016 4:00am : downtime approx 10mins
New features in this release
Product photos – sales and shipments grids
We have added a product details button to the sales orders grid and the shipments grid. This allows you to quickly preview the products on the sales order or the shipment without having to open them.
Pro forma invoices
You can now print or email pro forma invoices. This is available when you view an unpaid sales order.
Combining paid sales orders
When combining multiple paid awaiting shipment sales orders, the paid status is now retained.
BoMs – auto-calculated weights option
We now provide an option to auto-calculate the weight of the BoM kit using the weight of the components.
Importing product changes
If you import or re-import your products then you may be interested in the following changes.
- BoM Weight Calculated From Component – (General)